Find out more about our full range of service machinery. From a customisable waxing machine up to a fully automatic service center, from a base repair device up to a compact edge tuning machine: You can choose among the wide range of machines to cover all required service steps you may need in your ski service workshop. Our machines are exclusively "Made in Germany" and are always state-of-the-art. test
Experience our passion for the ultimate grind.
We as company place major emphasis on not being an anonymous service provider. We would love to show you our factory in Weißenhorn to give you the chance to make yourself a picture of our service machinery and the people behind in our production and development. Of course, we also offer inhouse workshops to show your employees the high potential and in order to be familiar with all functions of our machines.
Experience the passion and convince yourself of our quality! Arrange an appointment now: +49 (0)73 09 875 -75.
We will be delighted to welcome you in Weißenhorn.